The Ethereum Oracle; Staking live on EigenLayer mainnet

News Apr 11, 2024

Since its inception, eOracle has been dedicated to solving one of the most critical challenges in the Ethereum ecosystem — the oracle problem. Our mission has been clear: to create an Ethereum-native oracle that aligns with the ethos of decentralization, transparency, and security that Ethereum itself embodies. This journey began over a year ago, in close collaboration with EigenLayer, to harness their groundbreaking restaking technologies and to utilize the globally diverse and decentralized Ethereum validator set.

Staking on Mainnet: First Milestone

Today, we're thrilled to announce that eOracle is live on the EigenLayer Mainnet! This launch marks a significant milestone in the journey for the eOracle network, ushering in a new era and one that includes an Ethereum native oracle solution. Here's what you can expect in the short term future from eOracle:

Phase 1 - Live Now: Staking and Operator Participation

As of now, eOracle is live for staking and operator participation on the EigenLayer Mainnet. Anyone can delegate their ETH to Operators, whom will help to validate the eOracle network. This phase focuses on bringing security to the eOracle network and establishing an early set of operators who will help form the backbone of the decentralized Ethereum oracle network.

Concurrent with our mainnet launch, we're excited to roll out the eOracle Points Program. This initial release of the points system is intended to be as simple and straightforward as possible, rewarding and aligning incentives for all who add value to the network through active and ongoing participation. We seek to value, recognize, and reward efforts made towards growing, securing, and decentralizing the eoracle network, maintaining our vision of community ownership. Learn more about the Points Program and how you can get involved here.

Phase 2 - The Future: Launch of the eOracle chain

Looking ahead, the next milestone will be the launch of the eOracle chain mainnet. This will expand our capabilities significantly, allowing for a fully operational decentralized oracle network that will support a wide range of applications directly on-chain. The eOracle chain will bring enhanced functionalities and greater flexibility for developers and users alike in integrating real-world data with the decentralized ecosystem. A top priority of this phase is permissionless integration with all of the top Ethereum rollup frameworks (Optimism OP Stack, Polygon CDK, Arbitrum Nitro, zkSync ZK Stack, etc).

Origins and Vision of eOracle

For those interested in learning more about the origins and the conceptual foundation of eOracle, please visit our launch blog post and our post on the Ethereum Research Forum. These provide more information on the journey of eOracle, some of our concrete design decisions, and our vision for the future of the Ethereum oracle. This launch of eOracle on EigenLayer mainnet is just the beginning, we invite innovators, developers, and Ethereum enthusiasts to join us as we continue to forge a path towards a more decentralized and cryptoeconomically secure Ethereum ecosystem.

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  • Learn more about the eOracle technical architecture on our Gitbook.
